Custom solutions

The Claire product is a universal solution for every car company. In addition, we offer the possibility to provide customization, based on your wishes. Most proceedings are part of our support services, but there are also proceedings you can set up yourself. If you want Claire to carry out these proceedings for you, then this is part of our customization service. 

The possibilities and rates for our customization can be found here. 

Custom rates ClaireExcl. VAT Time unit (hour)Specification of the work
Hourly rate support employee€65.001
Customized checklistt.b.d.Making a custom Claire checklist based on the customers wishes. The required information for this will be provided by the requesting party and processed by our support team.
Customer communication setup€32.500.5Arranging of the customer communication templates in the corporate identity of the company. Time per unit per location.
API setup€32.500.5Help the car dealer with the API setup. Step 1. Request permission from an authorized person to create API key by Claire. Step 2. Create and deliver API key.
API support€32.500.5At customers request, additional support has been requested regarding the API documentation.
Hourly rate developer/project manager €95.001
Hourly rate senior developer
DMS-migrations€1,500.00,-DMS migration from DMS X to DMS Y. New interface between DMS and migrating the gained Claire history.
 Administrative migration€1,500.00,-Administrative migration between dealers in Claire with the same DMS and DMS server.
Custom feature requestT.b.d.T.b.d.Based on customers wishes.
Hourly rates for consultancy/ training€95.00
Setup costs link 1iAutomotive
 €350,-Set up and activate the API link between 1iAutomotive and Claire at the request of the customer. Testing the link with the customer and if necessary. Make adjustments for correct/desired use. 

No rights can be derived from this page, prices are based on the year 2022, subject to change.

** The General Terms and Conditions of Claire Automotive Support B.V. apply to all our offers, quotations and agreements applicable. All conditions to the contrary are hereby expressly rejected.